Online CourseMini Course GeneratorGreat course generator software!

Mini Course Generator

Mini Course Generator

Mini Course Generator

4.8195 reviews

Create mini-courses super fast with AI and great practicality

Great course generator software!

I bought this to use to help myself and my clients create courses quickly. The goal: get to Minimum Viable Course asap - because that's the stumbling block for so many. The course creator MCG enables you to actual CHANGE THE MODULES that the AI generates, THEN create AI content for each course - in other words, far more than a minicourse. I am SO GLAD I snagged this when I did (wish I'd bought Tier 5). I just used it with one of my early clients, who said "whoa, wait, this is creating all my content?" Yep. Mind-blown. Now she's working on editing to put each module into her own words. Just saved her DAYS of creation time.

Don't miss it if they return and courses are in your wheel house.

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