Social Media ManagementMissinglettrPosting as a magic trick!




4.3126 reviews

Automate Your Social Media Marketing Effortlessly

Posting as a magic trick!

The tool is pretty easy to use, basically you are only required to follow 2 steps to use it (if you already have the habit of writing):
1) Connect your social media to it (Twitter, Linkedin, medium, and any other media that you are going to write something)
2) Wait for the magic

Today I published one article on Medium and after 5 minutes (yes! 5 minutes!) it created a campaign based on the content of the article with lots of suggested posts like "tweeting" scheduled for 1 year! (Of course, I had to review it and press one "ok, I wrote that" button to start the campaign).

So, if you intend to be a content writer, in my opinion, it's worth it!

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