



Automate Your Social Media Marketing Effortlessly

The Missinglettr program promises to simplify boosting your social media presence, but it seems to be an unfulfilled promise. Using this platform has been so disappointing that it leaves only a negative impression. First and foremost, the program's functionality operates with significant shortcomings. It was expected that artificial intelligence would help automate the creation of social media posts, but the results leave much to be desired. The generated content often looks unprofessional and unattractive, which will likely impact your online reputation. Furthermore, the customer support promised by Missinglettr is entirely nonexistent. Despite the company's assurances, obtaining assistance or resolving issues is practically impossible. This creates the impression that the developers are uninterested in satisfying their customers' needs and ignore their requests. Overall, the impression of Missinglettr is that you have spent your money and time on a program that fails to meet your expectations and leaves you without any support or help. The company appears to be an overblown millennial bubble project, and finding alternative tools to enhance your social media activity would likely be a better solution.
Purchased from: AppSumo.com