More Good Reviews

More Good Reviews

Get more good reviews from your customers

Request and showcase reviews from your customers to build a better online reputation.

About More Good Reviews

More Good Reviews is a powerful tool that helps businesses build their online reputation and credibility by automatically collecting customer reviews and testimonials. The product was created to solve a common problem that many businesses face - the struggle to consistently gather positive feedback from their customers. The platform works by seamlessly integrating with your existing customer data sources, such as Stripe, HubSpot, and Zapier. Once connected, More Good Reviews will continuously request reviews from your customers on a daily basis, ensuring that you're consistently building up your online presence and social proof. One of the key features of More Good Reviews is its ability to capture negative feedback before it becomes public. If a customer leaves a low rating, the platform can display a private feedback form instead of directing them to public review sites. This allows you to address issues internally and prevent harmful public reviews that could damage your reputation. The product also offers a range of other features, including a customizable landing page for collecting reviews, real-time notifications when customers leave feedback, and the ability to showcase your best reviews on your own website. With More Good Reviews, businesses can focus on delivering great products and services, while the platform handles the heavy lifting of building their online reputation.

  • Request Customer Reviews

    Sync your customers with Stripe, HubSpot, or Zapier (or add them manually). We will continuously request reviews for your product every day.

  • Hosted Landing Page

    Your landing page gives each customer a way to rate your product, leave feedback, and display links to product review sites, like G2, Capterra, and Trustpilot.

  • Capture Negative Feedback

    If a customer selects a low rating, you can optionally display a feedback form instead of showing them product review links to prevent harmful public reviews

  • Real-Time Notifications

    Get an email and a Slack notification when customers rate your product and leave feedback.

  • Showcase Your Reviews

    Show off your best reviews on your own hosted, customizable showcase page. You decide which reviews to show.

  • Free Forever

    Send 20 monthly review requests for free. No credit card required.

  • Quick Setup

    Import customers with Stripe, HubSpot, Zapier, CSV, API, and more.

  • Automatic

    You decide who to send to and when. We send review requests each day.

  • Review Gating

    Capture negative feedback before asking customers to leave public reviews.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

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