

Empowering PHP Developers

Code smarter with the PHP IDE

About PhpStorm

PhpStorm is a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) designed specifically for PHP developers. It was created by JetBrains, a renowned software company known for its innovative tools that empower programmers. The primary purpose of PhpStorm is to streamline the PHP development process, making it more efficient and enjoyable for developers. As a comprehensive IDE, PhpStorm provides a suite of intelligent features that address the common challenges faced by PHP professionals. At its core, PhpStorm aims to enhance developer productivity by offering smart coding assistance. With its intuitive code editing capabilities, developers can focus on the essential aspects of their work, rather than getting bogged down by repetitive tasks. The IDE's advanced navigation tools make it easy to explore and understand complex codebases, whether they are personal projects or unfamiliar legacy systems. PhpStorm also excels at facilitating seamless collaboration and code quality assurance. Its robust refactoring capabilities allow developers to safely migrate their projects to newer PHP versions or frameworks, ensuring compatibility and maintainability. Additionally, the IDE's built-in support for testing frameworks helps developers write and manage high-quality code with confidence. Recognizing the growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in software development, PhpStorm also integrates AI-powered features. Developers can leverage the IDE's AI-assisted services to automate routine tasks, such as generating code snippets, without compromising their privacy or sending data to external servers. Ultimately, PhpStorm is designed to empower PHP developers of all skill levels, from seasoned professionals to those just starting their coding journey. By providing a comprehensive set of tools and features, PhpStorm aims to streamline the development process, foster collaboration, and enable developers to create exceptional web applications with ease.

  • Built-in developer tools

    Perform many routine tasks right from the IDE, thanks to the Version Control Systems integration, support for remote deployment, databases/SQL, command-line tools, Docker, Composer, REST Client, and many other tools.

  • AI Assistant in PhpStorm

    AI Assistant can help you complete tasks faster and be more productive by providing context-aware suggestions for code completion, in-editor code generation, and error explanations.

  • Easy Debugging and Testing

    PhpStorm is renowned for its zero-configuration Visual Debugger, providing insight into application processes. It supports Xdebug and Zend Debugger for local and remote debugging, along with PHPUnit for unit testing.

  • Fast and Safe Refactoring

    Refactor code reliably with features like Rename, Move, Delete, Extract Method, Inline Variable, Push members Up / Pull members Down, Change Signature, and other refactorings. Language-specific refactorings allow project-wide changes that can be safely undone.

  • Intelligent Coding Assistance

    PhpStorm offers hundreds of inspections to verify code as you type, supporting PHPDoc, code (re)arranger, formatter, quick-fixes, and other features to help maintain clean and organized code.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported

Not specified

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