PodcastingRumble StudioHelps Me Get Clear Audio Ready for My Slide Presentations

Rumble Studio

Rumble Studio

Rumble Studio

4.8128 reviews

Create podcast episodes 10x faster with asynchronous interviews

Helps Me Get Clear Audio Ready for My Slide Presentations

I am not a podcaster, but I do use audio for various projects. Spoken (previously Rumble Studio) makes it easy for me to record my audio, download the audio either mixed together or broken up into parts, as I originally recorded them, to easily insert into Google Slides, and other presentation software. Although I don't have the best microphone the audio sounds great.

My kids have even used Spoken to record audio for class projects. The questions for reading responses are easy to keep track of and answer, the transcription feature is a super timesaver too.

I bought tier 2 last time around and just upgraded to tier 3, and all the tier 3 limits showed up immediately in my Spoken account, no waiting:).

I am very happy with Spoken, and as others have said Joris is dedicated and here for the long run.

Purchased from: AppSumo.com