

Find new leads and close more sales in less time

Efficiently discover, nurture and close more deals better and faster with just few clicks of a button - all inside one software

About Smatleads

Discovering, nurturing, and ultimately sealing the deal with new clients has always been a fundamental aspect of any successful business venture. But the process of finding qualified leads, crafting personalized outreach, and closing deals can be a daunting and time-consuming task. Enter Smatleads - an all-in-one platform that revolutionizes the way businesses approach lead generation and sales. Designed to streamline and optimize every step of the customer acquisition journey, Smatleads empowers entrepreneurs, agencies, and professionals to efficiently discover, nurture, and close more deals in less time. With its cutting-edge technology, Smatleads unlocks a world of untapped opportunities, allowing users to swiftly uncover high-potential leads from a variety of sources, including Google Business Profiles, Bing Places, and LinkedIn. By harnessing the power of AI-driven insights, Smatleads generates personalized reports that provide a comprehensive understanding of each prospect, enabling users to craft tailored outreach that resonates with their unique needs and aspirations.

  • WCAG and ADA Compliance Widget

    Easily make your website WCAG and ADA compliant and save yourself from losing thousands of dollars in lawsuits.

  • Report Customization

    Elevate your reporting experience by effortlessly aligning it with your brand's identity.

  • Pitch Intelligence

    Supercharge your engagement strategy with tailored insights and optimization reports crafted uniquely for every contact.

  • Marvis AI (GPT-4) for Local Business Content

    Generate a wide range of local business content, including GMP Copy, Bing places profile, Facebook place copy, and more.

  • Outreach with Email Sending

    Effortlessly initiate client engagement right from within the app by seamlessly sending out emails.

Lifetime access

Invest today for a lifetime of access and continuous updates, starting at only $69

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