Social Media ManagementSociamonialsRamped up my output massively





Sociamonials - Simplifying Social Media Management and Analytics

Ramped up my output massively
My mate Mike showed me the app whilst we were talking GPT stuff - said it was handy and you pay once... So I checked it out and bought it last week. Hooked up all the accounts I could, so facebook pages and groups I've got, Pinterest (is that a thing!?), Insta and probably most pertinently, LINKED IN and my IN business page Main benefits I've seen are that I can post to lots of old dormant Facebook groups I'd not used for ages, this seems to have engaged a fair few old contacts - at the same time as I'm, sending messages to twitter/X and all that The "repeat post" is genius - I run workshops, I forget to promote them... numbers lag... but not any more. Do one decent post, set it to repeat every few days up until the workshop.... people get nagged, sorry, reminded, about it over and over. The batch uploads are interesting too I'm a photographer so batch uploading photos is great - I can do a shoot and write something fairly generic about the set of shots and upload a batch and it'll create and schedule posts for you - that's cool. Batch files... ok, I'm a geek, I got the file format and taught GPT4 what it was - then asked it to write me a noon photography tip every day up until Xmas. It worked perfectly, so every day for the next 150, a post goes out to about 10 channels with a little photography tip! I did it again with an 8AM business tip on LINKED IN too - they read like something from a business self help book, but hey, people seem to like ti. I've not used the campaigns yet - maybe try that soon Reports are decent - you can see what works and more importantly, what died! Anyway - my main risk is flooding all my channels and boring the sh1t out of people now Get it bought - it's a bargain for the money
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