

Unlock the marketing secrets of your competitors

Discover the keywords, ads, and content that drive their success

About SpyFu

Imagine a world where you could uncover the secret marketing strategies of your most successful competitors - every keyword they've bought, every ad they've run, every piece of content that's helped them rank higher. That's the power of SpyFu, a game-changing tool that gives you unprecedented insight into the online marketing tactics of your rivals. With SpyFu, you can search for any domain and see their entire search marketing history - from paid ads to organic rankings. It's like having a crystal ball that reveals the exact steps your competitors have taken to drive traffic and generate leads. Armed with this knowledge, you can avoid their mistakes, replicate their successes, and outmaneuver them in the digital landscape. But SpyFu is more than just a competitive intelligence tool. It's a powerful marketing engine that helps you boost your own SEO and PPC performance. The platform's suite of features includes keyword research, backlink analysis, rank tracking, and custom reporting - all designed to give you a strategic edge and turn your website into a revenue-generating powerhouse.

  • Competitor Keyword Research

    Search for any competitor and download their PPC and SEO keywords to learn their strategies.

  • PPC Competitor Analysis

    Uncover your Google Ads competitors' keywords, ad spend history, and ad copy to make their successes your own and avoid their mistakes.

  • SEO Competitor Research

    Search for a competitor and see every keyword they rank on, as well as the content and backlinks that let them outrank you.

  • Unlimited Projects and Insights

    Save and organize unlimited keywords, links, and backlinks, and create custom reports to land and retain clients.

  • Keyword Research Tools

    Generate targeted keyword ideas, analyze PPC ad test winners and losers, and get Google Ads keyword advice for your campaigns.

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