Writing this review after the product has left APP Sumo, but in case it ever returns, y'all should know about the company.
Support: From the first time I logged in and had questions, they were super supportive, and VERY knowledgable.
Product Viability: We all know from experience, that not all companies who place their products on APP Sumo will survive for the long haul. That's the nature of tech today, and a gamble we take by being early adopters. But jumping in to the SuiteDash world has been a pleasant surprise. They are definitely going to be a viable product and company for years to come.
Features: It's hard to beat the feature set of SuiteDash. In a world of so many static CRMs, the features on SuiteDash keep growing and improving.
Overall: When the founders of APP Sumo got together to brainstorm what would be a perfect marriage they could connect between consumer and start-up, SuiteDash and we users were probably exactly what they hoped App Sumo would achieve. Mission Accomplished!