TaskMagic reviews

Automate manual tasks with a single click

What everyone's saying

1 review
Wonderful Product + Team
The tool is powerful software and works as a macro recorder where you have to hit the record button and do what you want it to do. After the tier-4 upgrade, this has become a beast with the full power of webhooks, schedules, triggers, google integration, loops, etc., everything is open for all of us (Sumolings), and we can leave other tools behind due to their complexities and learning curve. However, this tool is not perfect, and it has bugs and issues here and there, but hats off to the team for working at full throttle to fix all the issues. I grabbed the deal as soon as it was launched and hit a wall soon after. Due to my internet connection or some technical glitch, the browser didn't work. Kyle was kind enough to help me and even sent me the zipped version of the Chromium browser that was creating problems for me. One after another, obstacles showed up, some features weren't working, and some functionalities were not easily configurable. However, as soon as I reported to Kyle on Facebook messenger, he either solved it himself instantly or even escalated it to the developers to look into. Although most of the co-founders don't usually respond specifically at the time of launch when they are pretty busy, however, this time, my experience was different. I have used a ton of automation tools, and can see the potential of this tool. The team is working restlessly to sort out all the issues and has listened to the users, and have evolved their app. Due to this, as my problems were sorted, I was pretty happy to set up complex automation to automatically add the users to the startinfinity board after successful payment, and this automation wasn't working on browse.ai (their team is working on it for a fix). This is just the beginning of a million use cases I have in mind, and even I will be migrating some of my automation from other platforms as this tool gets some additional features, such as screenshots. Overall, I won't be reluctant to say that this could be one of the best purchases from appsumo, although their initial launch didn't go as expected as they might not have known, as well as being spoiled Sumolings who need each and every feature and no limitations in the future as well. However, as they have considered the suggestions and improved the deal terms, I highly recommend you to give it a shot, and I am sure you will like it; if not, 60 days refund is in place :). P.S.: No AI has been used to write this review, and no incentive has been promised whatsoever. The only purpose of this review is to let them help get sales so they can put more effort in terms of time and investment to grow this app further. Thank you for reading, over to you :)
May 23, 2024
Usman Yousaf
Usman Yousaf
Purchased from: AppSumo.com