

Manage your ROI, not your projects

With Taskomat you can manage all your workflow in a single place and - most of all - you can grow your time's ROI.

About Taskomat

Taskomat is a powerful productivity and business intelligence platform designed to help freelancers and entrepreneurs streamline their workflows and maximize their return on investment (ROI). As a freelancer or small business owner, you know how challenging it can be to juggle multiple projects, track budgets, and stay on top of invoicing and client management. Taskomat is the solution you've been searching for - a comprehensive tool that puts all the essential tools you need in one place, so you can focus on what really matters: growing your business and achieving your financial goals. With Taskomat, you can easily set and track your revenue goals, manage your budgets, automate your workflows, and gain valuable insights into your performance and productivity. No more wasting time on different platforms that don't provide real value - Taskomat is the all-in-one solution that helps you thrive as a professional. Whether you're an architect, a web developer, a marketer, or any other type of freelancer, Taskomat is designed to fit seamlessly into your workflow. By providing a centralized platform for managing your projects, time tracking, invoicing, and client relationships, Taskomat empowers you to focus on what you do best, while ensuring that your business is running like a well-oiled machine.

  • Revenue Goals

    With Taskomat you can easily set and achieve your revenue goals. You can optimize your work processes to bill more or have more free time while maintaining the same turnover.

  • Workflow Automation

    With Taskomat you can automate all your work processes.

  • Planning

    With Taskomat you can plan individual tasks or entire projects at once.

  • Project and Task Management

    With Taskomat you can manage your workflow in a simple, fast and integrated way.

  • Budget Management

    With Taskomat you can set and track the budget for each of your work units, projects and clients.

Live chat

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Browsers supported



What everyone's saying

1 review
For freeluncer and small business
It can manage ROI, not only for task management. How much do you want to earn per year? How many days do you want to have a holiday per year? How many hours can you work per day? Then, Taskomat will tell you how much you should earn per day. Moreover, you can identify which client offers low compensation from an ROI perspective.
Jun 5, 2024
Purchased from: taskom.at

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