

Translate videos to 75+ languages with 1-Click

Join 250,000+ creators to reach billions of people globally

About Translate.Video

Translate.Video is a powerful tool that makes it easy for creators and businesses to reach a global audience. With just a few clicks, you can translate your videos into over 75 languages, making your content accessible to billions of people around the world. The platform's key features include automated transcripts and closed captions, instant subtitle generation and translation, and human-like voice dubbing. This means you can quickly and easily make your videos multilingual, without the time and expense of traditional translation and dubbing methods. Translate.Video is perfect for influencers, educators, and enterprises who want to expand their reach and connect with new audiences. Whether you're creating online courses, marketing videos, or social media content, this tool can help you break down language barriers and share your message globally. With its intuitive interface and powerful capabilities, Translate.Video is a game-changer for anyone looking to scale their content and grow their business internationally.

  • 1-Click Video Translation

    Translate videos to 75+ languages with just 1 click.

  • Instant Voice Cloning

    Clone your voice in seconds and speak in any of 75+ languages.

  • Automated Transcripts and Closed Captions

    Generate closed captions instantly to make your content accessible across platforms.

  • Instant Subtitle Generation and Translation

    Generate and translate subtitles for your videos in 75+ languages.

  • Human-like Voiceover and Recording

    Add professional-quality voiceovers to your videos or record your own voice.

  • All-in-One Video Editing Tools

    Access a suite of video editing tools, including styles, elements, and more, all in one app.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Browsers supported



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