

AI-Powered Inbox for Busy Business Teams

Unify your tools, automate workflows, and unlock valuable insights with Varolio's intelligent email management solution.

About Varolio

Varolio is an AI-powered inbox designed to streamline email management for busy business teams. By unifying your communication tools into one intelligent interface, Varolio helps you stay on top of important messages, automate routine tasks, and gain valuable insights to enhance your customer interactions. Whether you're managing sales leads, providing customer support, or collaborating with your team, Varolio adapts to your unique workflow. Its advanced AI learns from your preferences and communication style, enabling it to prioritize emails, draft personalized responses, and even suggest the next best actions. With Varolio, you can save hours each week by letting AI handle the repetitive aspects of email management. This frees you up to focus on building strong relationships, closing deals, and driving your business forward. Plus, Varolio's enterprise-grade security and flexible integration options ensure your data is always protected and in sync with your existing tools. Unlock the power of AI to supercharge your inbox and take your business to the next level with Varolio.

  • Train on Google Workspace

    Train your assistant with each new event, document, or email you get.

  • Answer Emails

    Reduce emailing time by 70% as your assistant creates draft replies based on your style and project context.

  • Know your Product

    Get personalized summaries of the latest product updates and changes.

  • Slack Bot

    Have your assistant reply to questions in Slack.

  • Chat with Your Data

    Chat with anything from your data to your third party apps.

Live chat

Platforms supported

  • Web-based, no OS requirements

Browsers supported



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