Content ManagementVideo TapКупил давно

Video Tap

Video Tap

Video Tap

4.289 reviews

Transform videos into endless content

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I bought VideoTap a long time ago. I tried adding a video again and again the service says -

'Ruh roh
We ran into an error
Sorry, the little robots running our site slipped on a banana."

I did not find any contacts for technical support on the site.

You answered me here in the comments:
"There is a bubble at the bottom right of the site that will let you submit a support request. If you can't see it, please disable any ad blocker you may have running.

We're currently experiencing an issue with processing YouTube videos and are working to fix it. If you manually upload a video, the platform should still work beautifully."

There is no way to send a message to technical support. Not on the main page and on the one that still gives an error. There are no ad blockers, I opened your site in Google Chrome, Opera and Microsoft. You write that there are problems with YouTube now. But there have been problems with YouTube for more than six months. How can you sell your service if you cannot work with the main product for video bloggers? In addition, earlier, I uploaded the video separately - the same result. The same error is displayed and it is impossible to go to the main page of the service. I repeat - I do not have ad blockers.

Maybe you are deceiving Appsumo. Maybe the service works for some, but for many it does not work. You have removed the ability to write to technical support. This is amazing!

I would really like to give you a positive review, but you can't solve my problem with your service.

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