I've used AWeber, Systeme.io, GetResponse among other autoresponders, and I thought going for Acumbamail would allow me to get rid of monthly recurring costs, but sadly, that's not the case.
The UI isn't friendly, the stats seem questionable and the support never really resolved the one issue I took up with them.
I was surprised to hear that their support is handled by real humans because ChatGPT emotes better than Acumbamail's support team.
Overall, it's not a reliable platform based on my experience of using it. And anything that has direct impact on your revenue needs extra consideration, hence I haven't used it since the last time I tested it.
I hope AppSumo rethinks it's stance on tools that have accumulated a lot of negative reviews in the recent past.
I mean, based on the reviews left by other users, it's evident that almost all the recent reviews have been negative. It'd be great if AppSumo would encourage those product owners who actually are receptive to feedback and work on turning things around rather than enabling those who just push back on genuine concerns raised by the users.
One look at the last couple of responses on the negative reviews and it's a lesson on how NOT TO address criticism.
For there to be improvement, there has to be acknowledgement of the issues, especially when they're raised by those who are actually using your tool, you just can't be pushing back. Acumbamail is still the same years later, nothing has changed really.