Content ManagementAlphana10x my content output? Just upgraded to tier 3. - Useful for marketers as well as course creators




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Your AI content manager

10x my content output? Just upgraded to tier 3. - Useful for marketers as well as course creators

This products blows my mind. After having tested it with just a couple of videos, I have immediately upgraded to tier 3.

I see the potential to 10x my output.

What I love so far after my first handful of videos:

+ the clean UI/UX

+ the variety of outputs I can get from just one video for different platforms and purposes

+ the quality of the output (I have only tried text so far): how the essence and also details of the content are captured and turned into lots of possible posts, in a language that fits my tone of voice and gives me plenty of new ideas, and also visually nicely formatted (e. g. LinkedIn post)

+ that it even goes farther and can give me email campaigns and other marketing campaigns (first test looked good)

+ that I have a lot of flexibility what kind of output will be created

+ that I can give instructions though I think I am mostly satisfied with what comes right out of the box. But the instruction to give the output in German was necessary (once done with a prompt from the knowledge base and it worked)

I have the feeling that it has the potential to 10x my marketing output. And all based on my own stuff, just upgrading, enriching and multiplying it. No generic AI content. How cool is that?

As a course creator I have also a lot of course content and have uploaded some course videos that I have produced. Getting great marketing ideas.

I have still to explore what I can do with the tool for enriching my course content. There are alread quizzes available which look great. Also summaries.

Perhaps also workbooks in future?

What would be helpful in general:

+ if I could upload videos in bulk, e. g. all my videos of a course, and have the software do it's thing in the background

+ if I could get aggregated results for a couple of videos around a topic cluster or all the videos of one course module

I have still to find out what is currently possible. From what I have seen so far I am more than satisfied.

There is also a good knowledge base and even a little online tour at the beginning. The tour was a bit too early for me but with the knowledge base I can find what I am looking for.

Thank you for this great tool!

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