

Team & Project Collaboration Made Easy

Tasks, Projects, Discussions, Notes & Files - All in BasicOps

About BasicOps

BasicOps is the ultimate productivity powerhouse, designed to help teams conquer their creative visions and achieve their goals with unparalleled efficiency. In today's fast-paced, ever-evolving business landscape, collaboration and communication are the keys to success. That's where BasicOps steps in, offering a seamless, all-in-one platform that brings your team together like never before. Whether you're a project manager juggling multiple deadlines, a team member striving to stay on top of your tasks, or a leader seeking a clear snapshot of your organization's progress, BasicOps has you covered. With its intuitive interface, customizable views, and seamless integrations, this tool empowers you to work the way you want, from anywhere, at any time. No more scattered communication, missed deadlines, or bottlenecks. BasicOps streamlines your workflow, translating tasks into timelines, automating progress tracking, and fostering real-time collaboration. It's the ultimate productivity partner, helping you and your team conquer your creative visions and reach new heights of success.

  • Task Management

    Easily delegate tasks to team members, track progress, and stay on top of upcoming milestones.

  • Team Collaboration

    Work in tandem toward a common goal. Share ideas, skills, and wins with your team.

  • Project Visibility

    Get a quick snapshot of all the current projects in the pipeline and stay on top of progress.

  • Timeline Management

    Automatically translate tasks into timelines to stay on top of progress, due dates, and dependencies.

  • Third-Party Integrations

    Seamlessly integrate with tools like Gmail, Slack, Dropbox, and more to streamline your workflow.

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Platforms supported

  • iOS
  • Android
  • macOS

Browsers supported


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