

Blobr is plug and play with your business and marketing tools.

It explains what works and doesn’t, discovers new customer patterns and insights.

About Blobr

Blobr is a powerful SaaS tool that helps marketers and business owners unlock valuable insights from their data, without the need for technical expertise or complex data infrastructure. With Blobr, users can quickly connect their existing business and marketing tools, such as Google Analytics, HubSpot, and Stripe, and gain immediate access to real-time analytics and customer insights. The platform's AI-powered analysis engine cuts through the clutter of dashboards and reports, providing clear, actionable insights that help users make informed decisions and optimize their strategies. Whether you're a small business owner looking to better understand your customer base, or a marketing manager responsible for driving growth, Blobr empowers you to take control of your data and make data-driven decisions with ease. By automating the data analysis process and presenting insights in an intuitive, user-friendly interface, Blobr frees up your time and resources, allowing you to focus on what really matters - growing your business.

  • Relevant Insights

    Get key quick answers about what happened in your business.

  • Advanced Analysis

    Understand the why and data correlations between different apps.

  • Explore Your Data Your Way

    Drill down on your data asking follow up questions.

  • Understand Your Data

    Quickly determine which marketing channels deliver the best ROI, using Blobr's real-time analytics to compare channel performance and adjust strategies on the fly.

  • Customer Insights

    Deep dive into customer behaviour and trends. Our AI allows you to understand customer patterns and preferences by just asking questions.

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Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported



What everyone's saying

1 review
API monetization
This one is really good for those who want to monetize their APIs.
Jun 3, 2024
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