Website BuildersLindoLindo Ai: A Cautionary Tale of Broken Promises




3.872 reviews

The easiest way to build a website

Lindo Ai: A Cautionary Tale of Broken Promises

During my time on AS, I've purchased multiple deals, some better than others. When I saw Lindo AI's offer, it seemed like the perfect solution for scaling my agency, but it wasn't quite there yet. Half-baked, but promising. I decided to give it a shot and invest in Tier 5, believing in this tool's bright future and wanting to be part of it. Fast-forward nine months, Lindo is getting there, but leaving its early users behind (a paywall).

The promise of unlimited AI-powered websites, white-labeling, agency features, blocks, and many other future updates has evaporated faster than morning dew. Instead, we're now facing a "Pro Plan" as the lowest of their offering (quite a joke), and an "Elite Plan" with a hefty annual fee being presented as the deal of the century, gating features that were supposed to be part of our lifetime deal—features that we, the early users, were reporting back to Lindo to develop, making the software a better product.

What stings the most isn't just the financial hit, but the betrayal of trust. We aren't just customers; we are early adopters, beta testers, early fund providers, and believers in Lindo AI's vision. Now it feels like our investment and feedback were just stepping stones for them to reach a more lucrative business model—one that is being yet again sold back to us.

This experience raises serious questions about the sustainability of "lifetime" deals and AppSumo's ability to protect its community from such bait-and-switch tactics.

To Lindo AI: It's not too late to make this right. Honor your promises or offer full refunds.

To AppSumo: Your reputation is on the line. It's time to implement stronger safeguards for your users.

To fellow entrepreneurs: Proceed with caution. In the world of lifetime deals, "forever" might just mean "until we change our minds."

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