Product DevelopmentWeb AnalyticsLOGLIB


Crafted with care. Privacy First. Open Source. WEB ANALYTICS

Privacy-focused web analytics platform for Everyone. Get valuable insights about your website visitors without compromising their privacy.


Welcome to the world of web analytics where privacy reigns supreme and your data is yours to keep. Meet Loglib, the open-source analytics tool that doesn’t just track your visitors but respects their privacy like a true guardian. Imagine a tool that gives you insights into your users without the creepy feeling of being watched. That’s Loglib for you! It’s designed for everyone, from solopreneurs to small businesses, who want to understand their audience without compromising on ethics. With Loglib, you can set up in just three easy steps: create an account, add your website, and start tracking. It’s that simple! No more convoluted setups or hidden fees. Just pure, unadulterated analytics that matter. You’ll get to visualize your data with beautiful graphs and insightful tables that highlight what’s important about your website. But wait, there’s more! Loglib goes beyond the basics. It’s not just about numbers; it’s about understanding your users, their devices, and their locations. You can even collaborate with your team and repurpose your data through an API, making it a powerful tool in your analytics arsenal. So why settle for basic when you can have powerful? Join the Loglib community today and take control of your web analytics without sacrificing privacy.

  • Privacy First

    Loglib is designed to be GDPR compliant and prioritizes user privacy.

  • Own Your Data

    Users can easily access their data through simple APIs.

  • Event and Product Analysis

    Offers powerful analysis features beyond simple pageviews.

  • Developer Friendly

    Easily integrates with various apps and frameworks.

  • Custom Events

    Allows tracking of custom events for detailed insights.

  • Advanced Filters

    Provides advanced filtering options for data analysis.

  • Visualize Your Data

    Beautiful graphs to visualize website visitor data.

  • Collaborate with Your Team

    Facilitates team collaboration on analytics data.

  • Repurpose Your Data

    Access your data through API for various purposes.

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Browsers supported


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