

The Complete Toolkit to Run Your Business

Why use multiple apps when you can use just one? Plutio has everything you need to manage and collaborate on projects, share files, build forms, create proposals, get paid, and automate your workflow - all from one app.

About Plutio

Running a business can be incredibly rewarding, but it's also tough keeping everything together when it's scattered across dozens of apps. Whether you work solo or with a team, you're constantly jumping between apps, duplicating data, paying multiple subscriptions, and using even more apps to 'connect' them all together. It's a chaotic productivity maze that will always pull you back from growing your business. That's why Plutio was created - to pull everything you need, like projects, invoices, proposals, contracts, forms, and schedulers, into one intuitive platform. With Plutio, you can finally unify your workflow, boost your productivity, impress your clients, and fuel your growth. No more juggling between apps and paying multiple subscriptions. Plutio works the way you do, not the other way around. Pluito is trusted by over 14,000 businesses worldwide to manage their projects, get paid, and automate their workflows. It's the complete toolkit to run your business, all from one app.

  • Project Management

    Plan, collaborate and complete projects big or small.

  • Invoicing and Payments

    Send professional invoices and get paid quickly.

  • Proposals and Approvals

    Effortlessly impress and win clients with branded proposals.

  • Forms and Surveys

    Collect information through beautifully responsive forms.

  • Scheduling

    Manage your schedule and get booked hassle free.

Live chat

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • iOS
  • Android

Browsers supported



What everyone's saying

1 review
Most feature rich small business management tool
Amazing tool with a lot of features, super responsive, and looks great. Currently (and I hope it changes) the customer support is a bit slow.
Jun 5, 2024
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