

The AI Podcast Editor For creators

Join 13,390+ creators and try automating your podcast editing.

About Resound

Podcasting has become a powerful way for creators to share their stories and connect with audiences around the world. But the process of editing a podcast can be a daunting and time-consuming task, often taking hours to complete. That's where Resound comes in. Resound is a revolutionary AI-powered podcast editing tool that aims to streamline the editing process, allowing creators to focus on their message rather than the technical details. With its advanced machine learning algorithms, Resound can automatically detect and remove unwanted sounds, such as filler words, long silences, and background noise, saving podcasters countless hours of manual editing. The tool's intuitive interface and user-friendly features make it accessible to creators of all experience levels, from seasoned professionals to those just starting out. Whether you're recording a solo show or a multi-guest interview, Resound can handle it all, ensuring your podcast sounds polished and professional. At its core, Resound is about empowering creators to share their stories with the world more efficiently and effectively. By automating the tedious aspects of podcast editing, the tool frees up time and energy for creators to focus on what truly matters: crafting engaging, high-quality content that resonates with their audience.

  • Filler Sound Detection

    Resound uses proprietary machine learning models to identify unwanted mistakes that distract listeners like umms, ahhhs, ehhhs, errs.

  • Silence Detection

    Automatically find silences longer than 3 seconds in your audio to shorten your episode, improve the pace, and boost listener retention.

  • Trim Audio

    Make your own edits with a simple click and drag. Refine your content so it's ready to publish to the world.

  • Enhance

    Automatically mix and master your podcast to remove background noise, level, normalize, polish, and export at optimal loudness standards.

  • Repeat Detection

    Automatically find distracting repeated words and phrases in your audio.

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Invest today for a lifetime of access and continuous updates, starting at only $49

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