Product DevelopmentSizzyHas potential and some really cool features.




4.035 reviews

The browser for web developers

Has potential and some really cool features.

I like the muti-view device view. It really is the USP of this browser.
Overall it is very dev centric which is cool. It's like an F12 dev mode with super-powers.

However, as a browser on its own, it is quite basic. Next to zero built-in features that a lot of other browsers have come to have as standard nowadays. Ad-block, extension support, VPN, or the subtle things. It feels a bit raw in its current state. That's not to say these won't be added later though.

I think it is fair to say that, at this point at least, this is not a browser replacement for your daily driver. It is a secondary tool to get focused dev work done.

I did refund this one this time, just because I don't feel I need it in my work. I do recognise the effort this must have taken to make, and appreciate the opportunity to give it a good go. I wish the Sizzy dev team the best in making it even better in the future.

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