SEOSquirrly SEOConfusing UX and Doesn't Play Nicely with RankMath or Yoast

Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO

Squirrly SEO

4.7484 reviews

Revolutionize Your SEO Efforts with Squirrly SEO

Confusing UX and Doesn't Play Nicely with RankMath or Yoast

Slow. Confusing. Over wrote my meta tags, made a mess of things because it didn't play well with RankMath or Yoast. Support was like . . . hello. Hello. HELLO!

These guys have been around for a long time and it seems like they haven't updated their UX in a looooooong time, either. Like. Oh you install the program in 2024 and it doesn't think to check for Rank Math or Yoast and then say to the users, ummmm. Let's decide what to do. Do you want Squirrly to do the Rank Math stuff or just the Keyword SEO stuff????

Would have liked to have liked this program but it wasn't to be. It tries to to be too many things and then doesn't step back. I've invested a lot of time and effort into RankMath.

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