

Create beautiful social media graphics on the fly.

Easy-to-use graphic design tool for bloggers, business owners, and social media marketers.

About Stencil

Stencil is an intuitive online graphic design tool that empowers bloggers, business owners, and social media marketers to create stunning visuals with ease. With an extensive library of royalty-free images, customizable templates, and powerful editing features, Stencil streamlines the process of crafting eye-catching graphics for various digital platforms. Whether you need to design engaging social media posts, compelling blog headers, or attractive ads, Stencil provides the tools and resources to bring your creative vision to life. The user-friendly interface and vast collection of design elements make it simple for users of all skill levels to produce professional-looking visuals in minutes. Stencil's versatile features, such as instant resizing, preset dimensions, and the ability to upload custom fonts and logos, ensure that your graphics are perfectly tailored to your brand and the specific requirements of each platform. With Stencil, you can effortlessly create cohesive visual content that captures your audience's attention and elevates your online presence.

  • 5,000,000+ Stock Photos

    More royalty-free images than you'll know what to do with! Thousands of new photos added every week.

  • 1,350+ Amazing Templates

    Create beautiful images even faster with our premium templates, ready to be edited.

  • Upload & Store Multiple Logos

    Upload & store every variation of your logo or different logos if you're creating visuals for different brands.

  • Social Sharing

    Share to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Buffer.

  • 6,200+ Google Web Fonts

    Find the perfect font for your image by using any of Google's thousands of web fonts!

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Platforms supported

  • Any Browser

Browsers supported

Chrome ExtensionFirefox Add-on


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