Appointment SchedulingTidyCalImportant missing features + accessibility issues




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The ultimate calendar management and booking solution

Important missing features + accessibility issues

I really wanted to love TidyCal but it's missing features which I use on a daily basis, so unfortunately it can't replace my free Boomerang calendar.

1. There's no calendar overlay so I have to constantly switch between calendars to see my availability. I am a psychotherapist and work in sessions, so I add slots in and around sessions rather than full day availability.

2. There's no comparisons between 2 time zones. Again, this is a feature I use a lot as I work internationally and often have to find slots which work for both myself and the client. I have to calculate and figure this outside of the app, which adds extra work for me.

3. There's no way to easily select ad-hoc availability. I don't work by scheduling days, I use slots and that's really hard to add quickly. I have to add the slots line by line (and switching in between calendars to see exact availability), rather than easily clicking on a calendar with my availability overlayed like I do in Boomerang.

4. I wish I could hide my main booking page as this makes it easily accessible for anyone. I want to keep my booking pages private and separate depending on the client. This way everyone can see my availability for all my services by going to the main url.

5. Big accessibility issues - upon testing booking a slot I realised that the Google invite looks very messy and isn't accessible. Linked text is removed and the links are written out in brackets, this is awful for accessibility and screen readers. Imagine a screen reader reading out a 2 line link made up of random letters.

6. Confirmation and booking pages fail accessibility guidelines. Contrast ratio fails on buttons and displayed messages. This is a big issue for me as I work with neurodivergent and disabled people who rely on assistive technologies. This doesn't make it inclusive for everyone.

What I do like is that I can edit the reminder emails as this is something I can't do currently, so this feature is great. It's also great that it integrates with Stripe and PayPal although I haven't tested this feature. I also love that you can see the roadmap for development. Please prioritise accessibility.

If you're looking for a very basic calendar app then this would work (but it's not inclusive for all people), but if your job requires more complexity and flexibility then I don't think this is the app for you right now (as of Nov 2024).

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