

The fastest way to write error-free code

Code 10x faster as CodeMate search, navigate and understand complex codebases for you.

About CodeMate

CodeMate is an AI-powered tool that helps developers write error-free code faster. It uses advanced algorithms and machine learning to search, navigate, and understand complex codebases, providing developers with a personalized and secure AI pair programmer. The tool can instantly debug code, optimize bad quality code, and provide detailed code reviews - all without leaving the developer's existing environment. CodeMate's intuitive interface streamlines the coding workflow, boosting productivity by up to 10x. Targeted at developers of all skill levels, CodeMate solves common pain points like overloading tabs, debugging issues, and maintaining code quality. By focusing on solving problems rather than debugging, developers can deliver projects on time and get paid sooner. CodeMate's value proposition is to help developers write better code, faster, with confidence.

  • AI Assistant: Your co-developer while programming

    Make changes in your codebase like CRUD operations, add documentations or perform any task on your behalf with just a command.

  • Instantly debug code to get the required output

    The Debug code feature analyzes your code on multiple test cases to generate detailed fixes and descriptions of errors, aiding in achieving the desired output.

  • Optimise bad quality code within seconds

    Refactor your codebase to remove redundant and error-prone code, ensuring it is production-ready.

  • CodeMate Chat: ChatGPT with context-awareness

    Connect your codebase, documentations, and Git repositories to interact with them without data leaving your environment.

  • Get detailed code review

    Review your code following best practices in software development through AI, providing insights as if an experienced developer is by your side.

Live chat

Platforms supported

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux
  • iOS
  • Android

Browsers supported



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